Category: Dune

  • How Dune Influenced Star Wars (It’s Crazy)

    Dune was published in 1965 and the first Star Wars movie was released 12 years later in 1977. Due to this time differntial, the similarities below can only mean that Dune influenced Star Wars, and not the other way around. For more on the Dune universe, check out my page here! Common Aspects The rise…

  • 34 of the Best Dune Quotes

    Dune is widely regarded as one of the best science fiction novels of all time, winning both the Nebula Award and Hugo Award (the top awards possible for outstanding science fiction novels). If you are just discovering the universe, you can read more about Dune here. The original Dune series has many memorable and wise…

  • A Beginner’s Introduction To The Dune Universe

    Reading a beginner’s introduction to the Dune universe will have you ready to read the book and/or watch the movie! Frank Herbert started the Dune saga by publishing the first science fiction novel in 1965. You can read more background below: Overview Dune is widely agreed to be one of the most influential and successful…

  • The Complete Timeline of Dune: A Quick Guide

    The Dune franchise covers an immense amount of time, over 30,000 years of “future history.” In general, fans have classified the timeline of Dune history into 6 distinct time periods. This article will contain a summary of each era.

  • The Dune Series Review: From Arrakis To Beyond

    Here is a Dune series review as a whole, including:

  • Exploring The Writing Styles of Dune: Herbert’s Technique

    Frank Herbert wrote 6 books in the original Dune series (listed below). Sadly, he died before completing the series’s last planned novel. His son Brian Herbert and co-writer Kevin Anderson finished the job and added 15 more books to the universe, including prequels and recordings of specific events such as the Butlerian Jihad (see my…

  • Power, Politics, and Religion: Themes of Dune

    Author Frank Herbert deliberately suppressed technology in the Dune series, which is unique for science fiction novels. His desire was for readers to focus on elements of humanity, not technology. The many themes of Dune include political, religious, social, economic, and environmental interactions. Herbert uses the series to warn of potential faults in today’s society….